Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Net Connecters

Most of them are thin but they can do much heavy work.They tidy up our center and create a new space which is convenient for all.They are men of very few words but they understand each-other. Their result is significant.Thank to them, we are closer and closer, even to many people all over the world.
Ki Ku


Phandee said...

Yeah, there is difference between Men and Women in Our TaDRI. All men are now in diet menu, and other women are in main developing process. But all of us always feel OK ourselves. Then, our TaDRIG is always happy. Thank you for all!
TaLong Is One

Phandee said...

Oh, Long is a good judge with his comment. I agreed with you that I dont know how our women staffs become in the futute when we are getting thinner and thinner ! Everyone, please help and find out solution for men group !
Emergency works !

Phandee said...

It's Nature Compensation Law.
Hi hi.
Well, the girls who look properous are good omens 'cause they have natural function.
All of boys should sympathize and encourage them.
Ki Ku